Extreme Thinking
用 perl 寫 proxy 替換字串如 http 換成 https


只是試驗練程式 ….不會上線啦

將人家寫好的改一改…. 加了 $shttp & $dhttp 兩個變數及替換 $buffer =~ s/$shttp/$dhttp/g; 要看替換那些或許還有 http://test2.com.tw 要換 ……哈哈

# Peteris Krumins (peter@catonmat.net)
# http://www.catonmat.net  --  good coders code, great reuse
# Written for the article "A TCP Proxy in Perl":
# http://catonmat.net/blog/perl-tcp-proxy

use warnings;
use strict;

use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;

my @allowed_ips = ('all', '');
my $ioset = IO::Select->new;
my %socket_map;
my $shttp = "http://test.com.tw";
my $dhttp = "https://test.com.tw";

my $debug = 1;

sub new_conn {
    my ($host, $port) = @_;
    return IO::Socket::INET->new(
        PeerAddr => $host,
        PeerPort => $port
    ) || die "Unable to connect to $host:$port: $!";

sub new_server {
    my ($host, $port) = @_;
    my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
        LocalAddr => $host,
        LocalPort => $port,
        ReuseAddr => 1,
        Listen    => 100
    ) || die "Unable to listen on $host:$port: $!";

sub new_connection {
    my $server = shift;
    my $remote_host = shift;
    my $remote_port = shift;

    my $client = $server->accept;
    my $client_ip = client_ip($client);

    unless (client_allowed($client)) {
        print "Connection from $client_ip denied.\n" if $debug;
    print "Connection from $client_ip accepted.\n" if $debug;

    my $remote = new_conn($remote_host, $remote_port);

    $socket_map{$client} = $remote;
    $socket_map{$remote} = $client;

sub close_connection {
    my $client = shift;
    my $client_ip = client_ip($client);
    my $remote = $socket_map{$client};


    delete $socket_map{$client};
    delete $socket_map{$remote};


    print "Connection from $client_ip closed.\n" if $debug;

sub client_ip {
    my $client = shift;
    return inet_ntoa($client->sockaddr);

sub client_allowed {
    my $client = shift;
    my $client_ip = client_ip($client);
    return grep { $_ eq $client_ip || $_ eq 'all' } @allowed_ips;

die "Usage: $0 <local port> <remote_host:remote_port>" unless @ARGV == 2;

my $local_port = shift;
my ($remote_host, $remote_port) = split ':', shift();

print "Starting a server on$local_port\n";
my $server = new_server('', $local_port);

while (1) {
    for my $socket ($ioset->can_read) {
        if ($socket == $server) {
            new_connection($server, $remote_host, $remote_port);
        else {
            next unless exists $socket_map{$socket};
            my $remote = $socket_map{$socket};
            my $buffer;
            my $read = $socket->sysread($buffer, 4096);
            if ($read) {
                $buffer =~ s/$shttp/$dhttp/g;
                # print $buffer."\n";
            else {

用 golang 也可 …我還沒試 … https://github.com/jpillora/go-tcp-proxy